I Am Saying This Right Now (2012)
a theatrical collaboration with the Plagiarists
I Am Saying This Right Now was a collaborative performance written by 13 artists, led by Kaitlin Byrd of the Plagiarists and including Sid Branca, Jeff Duhigg, Joshua Dumas, James Dunn, Paul Kastner, Brian Lucas, Layne Manzer, Sara McCarthy, Ian Miller, Lindsay Verstegen, Andrea Wallace, and Jessica Wright Buha. It was performed as a full production by The Plagiarists at Berger Park in Chicago, January 12th through February 11th, 2012. It was directed by Paul Kastner and Kim Miller, and the performers (picture above in a press photo by Lindsay Verstegen) included Sid Branca, Chad Brown, Ben Johnson, Dylan Marks, Sara McCarthy, Ken Miller, Kate Nawrocki, and Jessica Saxvik.
Inspired by the work of sound archivist Tony Schwartz, I Am Saying This Right Now was a performative collage exploring the human compulsion to document the lived experience. It made extensive use of sound art, along with traditional and experimental theater techniques, dance, site-specific performance art, and original musical compositions.